Saturday 22 August 2015

Bishopdale @ what now!

On Sunday some of room 10 went to What Now FOR TARGET YO TEACHER. We all had heaps and heaps of fun and foam,some of us ran to the back stage. we all threw foam at the teacher it was so funny.But before that we were so bored because all we did was sit down and not get foamed......the teacher got so much foam some even got up his nose but i think we got foamed the most.The picture up there is us [don't we look amazing].We were so foamed afterwards we were .People like Anaru just stood there hogging the foam while some weirdos were crazily running away.all of us were so so so so so excited that Shakaiya picked us to go to what now because she was the one that was kind enough to do it and she also entered.some of us got to do some games like us meaning Melva and ruby i was to pussy to do it because we had to touch bugs real bugs.We all had heaps and heaps and heaps of fun we all loved it and if you watched What Now you could tell.

This was proudly written by Ruby and Melva

we both hoped you all enjoyed our journey to What Now.